KJV / NASB / NCV / CEV / NIV / NLT / NKJV / The Message Parallel New Testament:
In-stock Usually dispatched within 48 hours King James Version; New American Standard Bible Updated Edition; New Century Version; Contemporary English Version; New International Version; New Living Translation; New King James Version; the Messageby John R Kohlenberger In-stock usually dispatched within 4 business days This volume includes: "Authorized King James Version", "New American Standard Bible", "New Century Version", "Contemporary English Version", "New International Version", "New Living Translation", "New King James Version" and "The Message".
Author / Artist John R Kohlenberger
Book Format Hardback
Publisher Oxford University Press (January 1999)
Editor John R Kohlenberger
Weight 1202g
Number of Pages 1940
Thickness 43 mm
Height 236 mm
Width 172 mm
ISBN 9780195281361
ISBN-10 0195281365