Sympathy greeting cards
Box of 12 cards & envelopes with 4 designs Design 1: FRONT The Deepest Sympathy INSIDE TOP Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Isaiah 53:4 INSIDE BOTTOM May the Lord part the sea of your sorrow so you can see your way once again to the path of His comfort and peace. Design 2: FRONT With Loving Sympathy INSIDE TOP Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 INSIDE BOTTOM May God comfort you in your sorrow, bring hope to each day, give peace for each tomorrow, and light to guide your way. Design 3: FRONT In Heartfelt Sympathy INSIDE TOP I have you in my heart. Philippians 1:7 INSIDE BOTTOM One life can be a shining example of how the gift of love lives on. Praying God completely surrounds you with His comfort...His healing...His peace. Design 4: FRONT WIth Sincere Sympathy INSIDE TOP The LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow. Isaiah 14:3 INSIDE BOTTOM May each morning dawn bright and beautiful, and may God's tender embrace and enduring love bring you hope-filled days and peaceful nights.