The Best Thing About Christmas Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
More Available On Demand Encourage children to discover the very first Christmas with The Best Thing About Christmas book and music CD. Young readers will enjoy singing and reading along with "The Best Thing about Christmas" song---which follows the illustrated story word-for-word. Musical CD also includes other Christmas favourites---making this perfect for home, school, and church! Hardcover 12 pages Your children will celebrate all of the wonderful things about Christmas with this charming storybook and CD set--including decorated trees, caroling, family, and the very best thing of all. . .the gift of Jesus! They will enjoy singing and reading along with "The Best Thing about Christmas" song--which follows the story word-for-word. Then, after reading the rhyming story, your kids will be entertained and delighted as they sing along with other Christmastime favorites. The Best Thing about Christmas is perfect for home, school, and church--plus it makes a great gift!